June 10, 2023 - MAC's Foundation Day - 19th Anniversary
May this journey of our company continues in the upcoming year.
Thank you to everyone who has joined us on our journey.
We will do our best to become a more developed company on the 20th anniversary next year.
📷 Thanks to Valkyrie Pierce and Girl with red hat on @Unsplash.
#창립기념일 #창립19주년 #임직원여러분감사합니다 #감사합니다 #companyanniverary #companyfoundationday #companyfoundation #workanniversary #workanniversary🎉 #congratulations #thankyou #thankyoubuyers #thankyoumac #celebrate #workcelebration #employeeappreciation #buyerappreciation #yearanniversary #companycelebration #companybirthday #happyanniversary #foundationday #19thanniversary #19thfoundationday #CARNIX