[National Holiday Notice] Sam-il(3-1) Jeol
The March 1st Independence Movement Day, also known as Sam-il jeol is a holiday to commemorate the March 1st Movement.
The March 1st Movement, also known as the Sam-il (3-1) Movement (삼일운동; Sam-il Undong), was a protest movement by Korean people and students calling for independence from Japan, and protesting forced assimilation into the Japanese way of life.
Thirty-three Korean cultural and religious leaders issued a proclamation, supported by thousands of students and civilians in Seoul.
There were over 1000 demonstrations in many other cities.
These were among the earliest public displays of Korean resistance during the rule of Korea by Japan from 1910 to 1945.
The event occurred on March 1, 1919, hence the movement's name, literally meaning "Three-One Movement" or "March First Movement" in Korean.
It is also sometimes referred to as the Man-se Demonstrations (만세운동; Manse Undong).
📚 Description Excerpt: Wikipedia
📷 Thanks to kimauthorr on Unsplash.